Heat Exchangers
for the reduction of kiln temperatures and thermal energy recovery
Heat Exchangers
for the reduction of kiln temperatures and thermal energy recovery
Heat exchangers
For many years Poppi Clementino Spa has been developing the best technology, sizing and production of Heat Exchangers.
A huge part of its experience comes from the need to solve the problem of high filtration temperatures in the frit kiln sector. Poppi Clementino has the experience of 50 systems – dissipators on the Spanish market that reduce the temperature of fumes from 450 degrees to 200 degrees in order to have a successive optimum filtration.
From this experience and by perfecting the technology, a specific recovery unit was developed which is the basis of the modern indirect recovery concept.
Poppi Clementino Spa’s heat exchangers are also used in cogeneration processes for the combined management of electrical and thermal energy.
The operating principle of heat exchangers is based on transferring the thermal potential contained in the hot fumes to other fluids – normally air or water.
A huge part of its experience comes from the need to solve the problem of high filtration temperatures in the frit kiln sector. Poppi Clementino has the experience of 50 systems – dissipators on the Spanish market that reduce the temperature of fumes from 450 degrees to 200 degrees in order to have a successive optimum filtration.
From this experience and by perfecting the technology, a specific recovery unit was developed which is the basis of the modern indirect recovery concept.
Poppi Clementino Spa’s heat exchangers are also used in cogeneration processes for the combined management of electrical and thermal energy.
The operating principle of heat exchangers is based on transferring the thermal potential contained in the hot fumes to other fluids – normally air or water.
The choice of the most suitable type of heat exchanger generally depends on the type of application, the working temperatures, and the degree of aggressiveness of the fumes.
- Construction method: shell and tube, plates. The latter represents the modern technological evolution, which has made it possible to obtain greater yields thanks to the increase in exchange areas and to an automated mechanical cleaning system that maintains a high efficiency of the system.
- Hot air for combustion and recovery systems.
- Hot air for heating systems.
Besides of course the benefit of saving, an additional advantage can be obtained from the energy recovery system; in actual fact in many countries the law gives grants to those companies that adapt their processes to reduce the emissions of polluting substances. As a rule these grants are known by the name of “white certificates” (ESC Energy Savings Certificate) and the abatement of harmful substances are measured in TOE (Tonne of Oil Equivalent).
This additional benefit, added to what was said earlier, means a quick return for the investor (in just 10-16 months) and this occurs naturally without production being affected in the least seeing as the energy saving recovery system works in parallel and completely automatically.